Environmental benefits of parking-integrated photovoltaics: a 222 kWp experience


The life cycle assessment of a grid-connected, parking integrated, 222 kWp cadmium telluride photovoltaic system has been performed. The system was built at the University of Murcia and has been monitored for 2.5 years (sampling data every 5 min). The detailed material inventory, the energy embedded in the system, the energy payback time, and the energy return factor of the facility have been obtained and are 6.31 TJ equivalent primary energy, 2.06  and 12.16years, respectively. The average performance ratio is 0.8 with a slight monthly variation. Additionally, the environmental benefits of the architectural integration (in this case parking integration) have been quantified using a standard methodology for the calculation of several environmental parameters. Finally, the environmental benefits of renewable energy generation because of the savings of producing the same amount of electricity by the Spanish grid system have been assessed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Lucía Serrano-Luján
Lucía Serrano-Luján
Contratada Doctor Interina

Lucía Serrano-Luján es Profesora Contratada Doctor interina en el Departamento de Informática y Estadística. Su campo de investigación es multidisciplinar. Es experta en la aplicación de la metodología de Análisis del Ciclo de Vida para evaluar las energías renovables y ha aplicado la IA a sus datos. Su principal objetivo es influir en la producción de materiales relacionados con la energía y encontrar una forma más sostenible de desarrollarlos. Ha aplicado el ACV para reducir el óxido de grafeno y las células solares de perovskita, construir sistemas fotovoltaicos integrados, etc.