A Hybrid Strategic Oscillation with Path Relinking Algorithm for the Multiobjective k-Balanced Center Location Problem


This paper presents a hybridization of Strategic Oscillation with Path Relinking to provide a set of high-quality nondominated solutions for the Multiobjective k-Balanced Center Location problem. The considered location problem seeks to locate k out of m facilities in order to serve n demand points, minimizing the maximum distance between any demand point and its closest facility while balancing the workload among the facilities. An extensive computational experimentation is carried out to compare the performance of our proposal, including the best method found in the state-of-the-art as well as traditional multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.

Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Profesor Titular de Universidad

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Informática, siendo uno de los investigadores principales del Grupo de Investigación de Algoritmos para la Optimización GRAFO.

Abraham Duarte
Abraham Duarte
Catedrático de Universidad

Mi carrera investigadora se ha centrado en el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas de Inteligencia Computacional (metaheurísticas) y su aplicación a diferentes problemas en Ciencia e Ingeniería desde que me incorporé a la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) en el octubre del año 2000.