An experimental comparison of Variable Neighborhood Search variants for the minimization of the vertex-cut in layout problems


Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a metaheuristic for solving optimization problems based on a systematic change of neighborhoods. In recent years, a large variety of VNS strategies have been proposed. However, we have only found limited experimental comparisons among different VNS variants. This paper reviews three VNS strategies for finding near-optimal solutions for vertex-cut minimization problems. Specifically, we consider the min-max variant (Vertex Separation Problem) and the min-sum variant (SumCut Minimization Problem). We also present an preliminary computational comparison of the methods on previously reported instances.

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Profesor Titular de Universidad

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Informática, siendo uno de los investigadores principales del Grupo de Investigación de Algoritmos para la Optimización GRAFO.

Abraham Duarte
Abraham Duarte
Catedrático de Universidad

Mi carrera investigadora se ha centrado en el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas de Inteligencia Computacional (metaheurísticas) y su aplicación a diferentes problemas en Ciencia e Ingeniería desde que me incorporé a la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) en el octubre del año 2000.