Monte Carlo simulation as an aid to alpha-particle spectrometry


Abstract The computer simulation code SRIM (stopping and range of ions in matter) developed by Ziegler and coworkers, has been applied previously to study the transport of a-particles within various materials. In particular, the detection of α-particles in silicon or gas detectors has been investigated. In this work, we apply the code to simulate the propagation through a common type of α-particle source used in spectrometry. The source consists of 226Ra activity in secular equilibrium with its daughters distributed within a barium sulfate matrix. We have calculated the number and energy spectrum of those particles that reach the detector from the source, for several source thicknesses and for various detector distances. As these parameters are changed, the resulting energy resolution and the consequent accuracy of derived activities may be derived. Thus the optimum conditions for a-spectrometry can be determined given the accuracy desired.

Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications
Alfonso Fernandez Timon
Alfonso Fernandez Timon
Profesor Titular de Universidad

Alfonso Fernández Timón es Profesor Titular de Universidad y unos de los investigadores seniors del Grupo de Investigación en Algoritmos de Optimización GRAFO de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Anteriormente fue Becario de la Red de Estaciones Metrológicas y del Plan de Vigilancia Radiológica del CSN en la Universidad de Extremadura. Sus lineas de investigación abarcan desde la aplicación de metaheurísticas para resolver problemas de optimización combinatoria hasta la metrología de radiaciones nucleares.