Real time evolvable hardware for optimal reconfiguration of cusp-like pulse shapers


The design of a cusp-like digital pulse shaper for particle energy measurements requires the definition of four parameters whose values are defined based on the nature of the shaper input signal (timing, noise, …) provided by a sensor. However, after high doses of radiation, sensors degenerate and their output signals do not meet the original characteristics, which may lead to erroneous measurements of the particle energies. We present in this paper an evolvable cusp-like digital shaper, which is able to auto-recalibrate the original hardware implementation into a new design that match the original specifications under the new sensor features.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
J. Manuel Colmenar
J. Manuel Colmenar
Catedrático de Universidad

Mis intereses de investigación se centran en las metaheurísticas aplicadas a problemas de optimización. He trabajado en diferentes problemas de optimización combinatoria aplicando algoritmos trajectoriales como GRASP o VNS. Además, estoy muy interesado en las aplicaciones de la Evolución Gramatical, específicamente en el dominio de los modelos y la predicción, como alternativa a los enfoques de aprendizaje automático.