GRASP con Path Relinking para el problema del SumCut


En este artículo se propone un algoritmo GRASP combinado con Path Relinking para resolver el problema de minimización del SumCut. En el problema del SumCut, a partir de un grafo de n nodos es necesario etiquetar todos los nodos de forma que ca- da uno de ellos reciba una etiqueta única del conjunto f1; 2;

Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Jesús Sánchez-Oro
Associate Professor

Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, being one of the senior researchers of the Group for Research on Algorithms For Optimization GRAFO.

Abraham Duarte
Abraham Duarte
Full Professor

Abraham Duarte is Full Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain). He has done extensive research in the interface between computer science, artificial intelligence, and operations research to develop solution methods based on Computational Intelligence (metaheuristics) for practical problems in operations-management areas such as logistics and supply chains, telecommunications, decision-making under uncertainty and optimization of simulated systems.