
This EURO PhD School will focus on giving participants advanced training on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and its application to the commitment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There will be a methodological and an applied component to this EPS. Methodological training on different state-of-the-art MCDM methods, applications, and software will be given in the format of lectures.

Nov 4, 2024 — Nov 15, 2024
Málaga, Spain

We are very pleased to host the EURO PhD School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Methodologies and Applications to the Sustainable Development Goals, which will take place at the University of Málaga, Spain, from November 4-15, 2024.

This EURO PhD School will focus on giving participants advanced training on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and its application to the commitment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There will be a methodological and an applied component to this EPS. Methodological training on different state-of-the-art MCDM methods, applications, and software will be given in the format of lectures. In these lectures, the participants will interact with some of the top scholars in the area, and conduct hands-on exercises/cases for discrete and continuous optimization. Applications of the acquired knowledge to the modeling of specific case studies related to the SDGs will be presented and worked out by the participants in working groups, where they will work under the guidance of the instructors. The main results reached by the working groups will be presented at the end of the summer school. Although the priority is for PhD students, Master’s students may also be admitted. This is a great opportunity for beginner researchers in this field to network among themselves and with the lecturers, and initiate collaborations and friendships that may continue for many years. The training of the EURO PhD School is eligible for 3 ECTS (75 hours).

This EURO PhD School aims to introduce students to discrete and continuous Multiple Criteria Decision Making problems. To this end, the contents are as follows:

Basic Concepts on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Discrete Multicriteria methods: MAUT, AHP, and outranking methods. Continuous problems: generating the efficient set. Goal Programming. Interactive methods. Each student will have to present a poster describing the main lines of research of their thesis project during the EURO PhD School.

Isaac Lozano-Osorio
Isaac Lozano-Osorio
Phd in Artificial Intelligence

Isaac Lozano graduated with a double degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Engineering from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where he was awarded the prize for the Best Final Project. Subsequently, he completed a Master in Artificial Intelligence Research (UIMP). His main research interests are focused on the interface between Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research. Most of his publications deal with the development of metaheuristic procedures for graph modeled optimization problems.