Graduated in Cybersecurity Engineer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Throughout my degree, I have been part of the organization of HackOn and the Competitive CTF course, and I have given the talks “¿Seguro que estás seguro?”, “Análisis de redes sociales” and “Ciberseguridad para todos: ¿sabes qué trucos usan los malos y cómo protegerte de ellos?”. In 2021, I received a collaboration grant with which I carried out a project to detect phishing websites using various Artificial Intelligence techniques. Currently, I am studying the Master in Artificial Intelligence Research at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.
Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence Research, 2022-2023
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
Cybersecurity Engineering, 2018-2022
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos