Welcome to the web page for the Group for Research in Algorithms For Optimization (GRAFO). University professors and highly qualified professionals form our research group. We conduct research into relevant problems in both, science and engineering.
Phd students Isaac Lozano Osorio, Raúl Martín Santamaría and Sergio Pérez Peló won first place in the CTF against 277 participants divided into 93 teams from around the world.
Sergio Cavero winner of the Thesis in 3 Minutes Final in Engineering and Architecture area in which participated doctoral students from the 5 public universities of Madrid.
On June 29th at 11:00 a.m., D. Nicolás Rodríguez Uribe will defend his Doctoral Thesis entitled: “Heuristic and metaheuristic techniques applied to the problem of facility layout”. This Doctoral Thesis has been supervised by D.
Sergio Cavero will represent the URJC in the area of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture against other universities of the community of Madrid in the final phase.